Further learning

Reading and information

Advocacy and Guardianship

Where can I find out more about advocacy and guardianship in Australia?


ACT Public Trustee and Guardian  

02 6207 9800  



NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal Guardianship Division  

Various supported decision-making resources for people with a disability 

1300 006 228 and press 2  

13 14 50 (interpreter service)  

Email: gd@ncat.nsw.gov.au  



Office of the Public Guardian  

1800 810 979  

Email: public.guardian@nt.gov.au  



Office of the Public Guardian  

1300 653 187  

Email: publicguardian@publicguardian.qld.gov.au  



South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal  

1800 723 767  

Email: sacat@sacat.sa.gov.au  



Guardianship and Administrative Board Tasmania  

1300 799 625  

Email: guardianship.board@justice.tas.gov.au  



Research and projects, including the OVAL project for NDIS-related decision-making 

Office of the Public Advocate  

1300 309 337  

mail: opa_advice@justice.vic.gov.au  


The role of a guardian – Easy Read (https://www.publicadvocate.vic.gov.au/resource/38-the-role-of-a-guardian-easy-read/file


Office of the Public Advocate  

1300 858 455 or 08 9278 7300  

Email: opa@justice.wa.gov.au  


Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Where can I read more about the CRPD?  

Callaghan, S and Ryan, C, J (2016) ‘An evolving revolution: Evaluating Australia’s compliance with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Mental Health Law’, UNSW Law Journal, 39(2):596-624. 

Convention On The Rights Of Persons With Disabilities (CRPD) Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) | Division for Inclusive Social Development (DISD) (un.org) 

Kayess, Rosemary and French, Phillip, Out of Darkness into Light? Introducing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2008). Human Rights Law Review, Vol. 8, Issue 1, pp. 1-34, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/ngm044 

Kayess, R and Sands, T (2020) Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Shining a light on Social Transformation. Sydney: UNSW Social Policy Research Centre.  

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) in AUSLAN 

12 videos (approximately 6 minutes in length) on four main segments: 

  1. Introducing the Convention 
  1. Knowing your rights 
  1. Making rights a reality 
  1. Further information and resources 

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) in AUSLAN (Australian Sign Language) | Department of Social Services, Australian Government (dss.gov.au)  

UNCRPD: What is Article 12 and Legal Capacity? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3PVqTYI05s  

Mental Health 

If you feel distressed by any of the material on this website, please contact either your usual support person, Lifeline (13 11 14), or any of the services listed below: 

Black Dog Institute – online tool for thoughts and feelings www.healthymind.org.au 

Disability counselling support – Australian Government Dept of Social Services                       

Disability counselling support | Department of Social Services, Australian Government (dss.gov.au) 

Mental Health and Well-being -Disability Gateway Mental health and wellbeing | Disability Gateway 

Mental Health Helplines – Health Direct Mental health helplines | healthdirect 

Positive Behaviour support (PBS) 

Where can I read more about behaviour support and PBS?  

Australian Government (2014). National framework for reducing and eliminating the use of restrictive practices in the disability service sector  

National Framework for Reducing and Eliminating the Use of Restrictive Practices in the Disability Service Sector | Department of Social Services, Australian Government (dss.gov.au) 

Carr E, G, Dunlap, G, Horner, R, H, Koegel, R, L, Turnbull, A, P Sailor, W, Anderson J, L, Albin, R, W, Koegel, L, K and Fox, L (2002) ‘Positive behaviour support: Evolution of an applied science’, Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 4(1):4-20.  

Chan, J (2016) ‘Challenges to realizing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in Australia for people with intellectual disability and behaviours of concern’, Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 23(2):207-124.  

Chan, J (2013) Positive behaviour support and supported decision-making: People with behaviours of concern and forensic disability. Invited paper at the Supported Decision-Making Conference, Office of the Public Advocate, 18th October, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.  

Chan, J, French, P and Webber, L (2011) ‘Positive behavioural support and the UNCRPD’, International Journal of Positive Behavioural Support, 1(1):7-13.  

Doody, C (2009) ‘Multi-element behaviour support as a model for the delivery of a human rights based approach for working with people with intellectual disabilities and behaviours that challenge’, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 37:293-299.  

Dunlap, G, Car E, G, Horner, R, H, Zarcone, J, R and Schwartz, I (2008) ‘Positive behavior support and applied behavior analysis’, Behavior Modification, 32(5):682-698.  

Edwards, M, Soo, C and Chen, S (2016) Positive Stories: An exploratory analysis of the implementation of positive behaviour support in the West Australian disability sector. Perth: University of Western Australia Business School.  

French, P, Chan, J and Carracher, R (2010) ‘Realizing Human Rights in clinical practice and service delivery to persons with cognitive impairment who engage in behaviors of concern’, Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 17(2):245-272.  

Gore, H, J, McGill, P, Toogood, S, Allen, D, Hughes, J, C, Baker, P, Hastings, R, P, Noone S, J and Denne L, D (2013) ‘Definition and scope for positive behavioural support’, International Journal of Positive Behavioural Support 3(2):14-23.  

Grey, I, Lydon, H and Healy, O (2016) ‘Positive behaviour support: What model of disability does it represent?’, Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability 41(3):255-266.  

Kincaid, D, Dunlap, G, Kern, L, Lane, K, L, Bambara, L, M, Brown, F, Fox, L and Knoster, T, P (2016) ‘Positive behavior support: A proposal for updating and refining the definition’, Journal of Positive Behaviour Interventions 18(2):69-73.   

Kruger, B and Northway, R (2019) ‘An exploratory study of Behavioural Specialist experiences of involving service users in the development of their positive behavioural support plans’, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 23(2):160-174.  

LaVigna, G, W and Willis, T, J (2005) ‘A Positive Behavioural Support Model for Breaking the Barriers to Social and Community Inclusion’ Learning Disability Review, 10(2):16-23.  

Manokara, V, Chan, J, Lim, H, C and Penchallah, S (2017) ‘Exploring the knowledge and competency of positive behavioural support (PBS) amongst disability professionals in Singapore’, International Journal of Positive Behavioural Support, 7(2):49-58.  

Nankervis, K and Chan, J (2021) ‘Applying the CRPD to people with intellectual and developmental disability with behaviors of concern during COVID-19’, Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities DOI: 10.1111/jppi.12374  

NDIS Participant Easy Read Fact Sheets  

Participant Fact Sheets for Behaviour Support | NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (ndiscommission.gov.au)  

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (2019) Positive behaviour support capability framework: For NDIS providers and behaviour support practitioners. Penrith, Australia: NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.   

Senior Practitioner (Positive Behaviour Support Plan) Guideline 2019 (No 2) (ACT), (‘Office of the Senior Practitioner, Positive Behaviour Support Plan Guideline: How to write a positive behaviour support plan’).  

Rights of people with disability 

Where can I find out more about the rights of persons with disabilities?  

Attorney General’s Dept https://www.ag.gov.au/rights-and-protections/human-rights-and-anti-discrimination/human-rights-scrutiny/public-sector-guidance-sheets/rights-people-disability 

Australian Human Rights Commission https://humanrights.gov.au/ 

Australian Law reform Commission – Modelling supported decision making in commonwealth laws  https://www.alrc.gov.au/news/modelling-supported-decision-making-in-commonwealth-laws-the-alrcs-2014-report-and-making-it-work/  

Australian Human Rights Commission – Disability rights humanrights.gov.au › our-work › education › face-facts-disability-rights 

Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031 Disability Strategy | Department of Social Services, Australian Government (dss.gov.au) 

Avery S. (2020) “Something Stronger”: Truth-telling on hurt and loss, strength and healing, from First Nations people with disability. Royal Commission on the Violence, Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of People with Disability. Sydney, Australia 

Carney., T. (2013) ‘Participation and service access rights for people with intellectual disability: A role for law?’ Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 38(1):59-69.  

Lawson, A and Beckett, A, E (2021) ‘The social and human rights models of disability: towards a complementary thesis’, The International Journal of Human Rights, 25(2):348-379.  

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JR0rVuui9ds 

Quinn, G and Degener, T (2002) The current use and future potential of United Nations human rights instruments in the context of disability. New York and Geneva: United Nations.  

Supporting Choice and Control—An Analysis of the Approach Taken to Legal Capacity in Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme by Emily Cukalevsk  https://www.mdpi.com/2075-471X/8/2/8/htm 

UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities  Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 

Supported decision-making  

Where can I find more information, tools and resources? 

ADACAS Advocacy Web-based decision-making tool in plain English for people with a disability (need to log in to access information) http://www.adacas.org.au/supported-decision-making/supported-decision-making/ 

Arstein-Kerslake, A, Watson, J, Browning, M, Martinis, J and Blanck, P (2017) ‘Future direction in supported decision making’, Disability studies quarterly, 37(1).  

Bigby, C., Carney, T., Then, S-N., Wiesel, I., Sinclair, C., Douglas, J., & Duffy, J., (2023). Diversity, dignity, equity and best practice: a framework for supported decision-making. Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability  


Research Report – A framework for supported decision-making – Easy Read version (royalcommission.gov.au) 

Council for Intellectual Disability (CID) – My Rights Matter Supported Decision Making Hub  

Read – 

My Rights Matter SDM Hub – Council for Intellectual Disability (cid.org.au) 

Watch – 

Talking about why supported decision making is important – Council for Intellectual Disability (cid.org.au) 

Talking about why supported decision making is important – YouTube 

Right to speak up – YouTube 

Helen Sanderson & Associates – person-centred practice tools, including for supporting decision-making  


Involve Me – project about ways of involving people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) in decision-making and consultation (PMLD). Downloadable PDF and film PMLD – Involve Me | Mencap 

La Trobe University Risk enablement tools and resources http://www.enablingriskresource.com.au  

Laurens, J, Bates, S, Kayess, R and Fisher, K, R (2021) Good Practice in Supported Decision-making for People with Disability. Final Report. Sydney: UNSW Social Policy Research Centre.  

Listening to those rarely heard – guides supporters through a process of supported decision making with people with Severe to Profound Intellectual Disabilities. Listening to those rarely heard on Vimeo 

New South Wales Family and Community Services, Ageing, Disability and Home Care - Handbook for supporters ‘My life, my decision’ My life, my decision – A handbook for supporters 

Sinclair, Field, Williams, Blake, Bucks, Auret, Clayton, & Currie (2018)  Supported Decision-Making for People with Dementia (PDF manual that is relevant to any disability group) 

RMIT/ Inclusion Melbourne  

Booklet for people with a disability about making choices  



Then, S, Carney, T, Bigby, C and Douglas, J (2018) ‘Supporting decision-making of adults with cognitive disabilities: The role of Law Reform Agencies – Recommendations, rationales and influence’ International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 61:64-75.  

Scope AustraliaFree Resources to Download | NDIS | Scope Australia 

Supported decision-making free resources to download – developed for providers, families and carers, and legal professionals. 

Access and Inclusion  


Skilled to Thrive project -Literature and practice review: Support to make decisions that promote safety and prevent harm www.sprc.unsw.edu.au/research/projects/skilled-to-thrive/ 

Staying Connected 10 episode series of podcasts about the power of decision-making  

Tree of Life Supporting decision making and problem solving using the Tree of Life – NCOSS – NSW Council of Social Service 

United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and Inter‐Parliamentary Union (2007). Handbook for Parliamentarians – From Exclusion to Equality: Realising the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (United Nations, 2007).  

Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council (VIMAC) 

Downloadable fact sheet 

Supported-Decision-Making.pdf (vmiac.org.au)  

Watson, J. (2016) Decision making capacity. Invited ‘Ted Inspired’ talk delivered at Financial Counselling Australia Conference. Adelaide, Australia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMerG7CULJE  

Western Australia’s Individualised Services (WAiS) 

A series of videos and booklets on supported decision-making and understanding the person’s  

Communication http://waindividualisedservices.org.au/resources/planning/ 

Resource library http://waindividualisedservices.org.au/resources/supported-decision-making/  

Wiesel, I, Smith, E, Bigby, C, Then, Shih-Ning, Douglas, J and Carney, T (2020) ‘The temporalities of supported decision-making by people with cognitive disability’, Social & Cultural Geography, DOI: 10.1080/14649365.2020.1829689   

Trauma Informed practice  

How can I find out more about working with people who have experienced trauma? 

Avery S. (2020) “Something Stronger”: Truth-telling on hurt and loss, strength and healing, from First Nations people with disability. Royal Commission on the Violence, Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of People with Disability. Sydney, Australia 

Beacon House is a specialist trauma service for children and families in the United Kingdom. Free resources, including practice tools to support trauma responsive practice with children and young people across a wide spectrum Professional development resources and bookstore | Berry Street 

Denborough, D. (2008). Collective narrative practice: Responding to individuals, groups, and communities who have experienced trauma. Adelaide, Australia: Dulwich Centre Publications   

Guidelines for trauma-informed practice: Supporting people with disability who have experienced complex trauma – Plain English guide Plain English Guide: Supporting People with Disability who have experienced Complex Trauma – Digital Download – Blue Knot Foundation 

In focus: Trauma-informed care for children https://emergingminds.com.au/resources/trauma-course-suite/

Taking time: Trauma-informed informed framework for supporting people with intellectual disability 


Trauma-informed care in child/family welfare services 


Trauma-informed principles – How you can talk to people with trauma Easy Read fact sheet 

Talking about Trauma (blueknot.org.au) 

Tree of Life – examples of adaptations of the Tree of Life methodology https://dulwichcentre.com.au/the%20tree%20of%20life/