How to use this resource

Find out how to use the Practitioner resources and how they will help you in your role.

About the Practitioner resources and case study

The behaviour support practitioner may have a dual role in supporting decision-making in behaviour support. You may be both a facilitator of supported decision-making (alongside service managers), and provide hands-on support in the person’s decision-making throughout behaviour support process. These resources are about enabling supported decision-making during behaviour support for people with disability. They are designed for practitioners providing positive behaviour support (PBS) (e.g., including the development and implementation of PBS plans).

How to use this resource

The topics can be read in order, but you can move between topic resources as needed. 

There are three topic resources about: 

  • The right to effective support for decision making.
  • Facilitating supported decision-making in behaviour support.
  • Supporting decision-making during PBS.

These resources and case study will help you to:

  • Understand the right of people to disability effective support for decision-making.
  • Understand good practice in supported-decision-making.
  • Understand how to facilitate supported decision-making when implementing behaviour support.
  • Understand your role supporting decision-making during PBS.
  • Problem solve with the person and their supporters, support workers and service providers when supporting decision-making during behaviour support.

Case study: Lauren’s story

This resource is accompanied by a case study which provides a practical example of the resources in-action.

In this case study you are going to learn about the experience of supporting decision-making with Lauren. This story is told from the perspective of Sophie, Lauren’s Behaviour Support practitioner.

You’ll begin by meeting Lauren and learning about her background and current situation. Her story continues on the next pages.

Your task

  • Begin by downloading the worksheet on the first slide below.
  • Move through the interactive case study by using the left and right arrows at the bottom of the slide.
  • When prompted, open your worksheet and record your reflections.

Resources for people with disability

You will find Easy Read resources under the section: I am a person with disability. It is designed for people with a behaviour support plan. The Easy Read resources provides similar information to this resource although in less detail.

People with behaviour support plans can read the Easy Read material on their own or with support from someone else. The Easy Read material will also be available to download in this part of the website as part of the Practice Toolkit.