Practitioner’s process in supporting decisions in behaviour support

This process summary sheet will help behaviour support practitioners to consider their role and steps in supporting decision-making in behaviour support.

The practitioner’s dual role

The behaviour support practitioner may have a dual role in supporting decision-making in behaviour support. They may be both a facilitator of supported decision-making (alongside service providers) and provide hands-on support in the person’s decision-making throughout behaviour support process.

For a helpful process guide and prompt sheet to facilitate supported decision making please refer to Worksheets: Facilitator’s Process Checklist and Facilitator’s Process Log. These will direct you to relevant resources/information and allow you to document your processes for supported decision-making in behaviour support. This includes prompts to:

  1. Identify and document the decision-maker’s communication methods/preferences
  2. Identify potential decision supporters
  3. Ensure decision supporters have required knowledge and skills in supported decision-making and behaviour support
  4. Identify necessary information and resources to support the person’s communication and participation
  5. Problem-solve barriers
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Find all the resources and tools you need in your Practice Toolkit.


The PBS process decisions

Behaviour support practitioners require specialist knowledge in their practice framework (e.g., PBS), with understanding of the many decisions needed to support effective PBS practice. This will include decisions made during:

  • The referral for PBS
  • Pre-assessment
  • Prioritising and defining challenges
  • Functional behaviour assessment
  • Formulation and functional analysis
  • Collection of data/information
  • Identifying functionally equivalent replacement behaviours (where applicable)
  • Developing goals and objectives
  • Developing the written plan
  • Coaching supporters (paid and unpaid)
  • Monitoring and modifying the plan (supports and strategies) when needed

If these processes are new to you, or you haven’t completed specific training in PBS process, then you may benefit from reviewing additional PBS process education.

What you need to know for supporting each decision

The key decision-making opportunities throughout PBS process are outlined in Key decision-making opportunities in PBS.

For each process, you will ask:

  1. What decisions needed to be made and be supported to inform effective PBS for the person?
  2. What are the key considerations for the person (opportunities for additional supported decision-making) as part of this process?
  3. What information is needed to help the person make informed decisions?
  4. What resources/supports are needed to support the person in making this decision?
  5. How will this decision be documented?

You can also use the worksheet The person’s decisions in PBS to document a person’s involvement in decision-making across PBS process (and support your accountability towards the co-production of their PBS plan).

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Remember, the co-production of PBS plans is not a ‘tick-box’ process, it takes time and skill. PBS principles (relating to human rights, systems change and evidence-informed practice) encourage us to keep the person involved in planning improvement for their life.