1. Why do I have a Behaviour Support Plan

In this video Laura talks about what a behaviour support plan is.

Support plan work book

You might have a Behaviour Support Plan if people have trouble knowing what you want and need.

A man leaning on his hand and looking sad

This might happen when

  • You feel sad or sick
  • You want or need something
  • You do not have the right support
  • You have problems with your NDIS plan
A stressed man

Sometimes Behaviour Support Plans are called Positive Behaviour Support Plans.

A suppoter helping a disabled person

Your Behaviour Support Plan will help your support people to understand you and support you better.

A happy group of five people

We sometimes say supporters when we talk about support people.

A person blocking another person from going through the door

You might have a restrictive practice in your plan.
A restrictive practice takes away your right to move freely.

A scared female

Restrictive practices are used when you or others are not safe.

A girl being bullied by a group of first

This can happen if you might

  • Hurt yourself
  • Hurt other people
  • Break things when you are angry
  • Run away
Two supporters holding a person with disability.

Restrictive practices are only used when nothing else helps you and others stay safe

Restrictive practices must not be forever.

Three people giving thumbs up

They must stop when your support people understand what you need to stay safe.